Are you looking for Transfer Pricing Studies Services from a New York CPA firm?
If so, simply fill out the form below or call us at 716.847.2651 for more information.
Transfer pricing involves the terms and prices at which related parties sell goods or services to each other. When the parties are located in different countries opportunities exist for the movement of income to a lower-taxing jurisdiction.
The need for transfer pricing documentation has been heightened due to current U.S. regulations as well as the increased efforts of hte OECD with regard to preventing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).
The Transfer Pricing requirements under U.S. tax law include having contemporaneous documentation that contains a financial analysis, risk-functional analysis, as well as an economic analysis.
With these three items, companies can stay in compliance with the regulations, have comfort during audits, and utilize the analysis for tax planning opportunities.
Failure to provide this documentation upon audit can potentially result in costly penalties (up to 40% on the underpayment of tax) and adjustments to your taxable income. It should be further noted that while there is a tax compliance requirement for transfer pricing documentation, it can also be a useful tax planning tool.
If so, simply fill out the form below or call us at 716.847.2651 for more information.