Freed Maxick offers extensive litigation support and courtroom experience. Our team is comprised of effective communicators and excellent technicians of forensic auditing and fraud examinations. We pride ourselves on the ability to make complex financial issues understandable to a judge or jury. Our experience with both civil and criminal proceedings includes: revenue reconstruction, gross profit determination and analysis of the diversion of income. We also have provided assistance in quantifying the amounts in defalcation actions for a number of litigators. Freed Maxick has also been engaged to provide litigation support to several high-profile cases, including one of the largest tax seizure cases in U.S. history. We provide litigation support services and expert testimony in these areas:
- Business losses
- Breach of contract
- Calculation of marketability and minority-interest discounts
- Fraud
- Gift and estate tax valuation
- Insured losses
- Lost profits
- Valuation of operating businesses