Count on Accuracy for More Than Just Accounting Services

November 30, 2022


Alexis S. Becker



Precision with numbers makes life better

As our seasons change from pumpkin to peppermint, we thought we’d share something fun! We often take numbers, other than basic math, for granted. But did you ever stop to think just how important accurate numbers really are, such as measurements and temperatures? In the spirit of the holiday season, let’s look at three examples of how and why exact numbers are important for the best outcome.

Coffee & Co.

Believe it or not, the recipe for a perfect cup of coffee is an actual science. It requires water to achieve an ideal temperature to extract the flavor from the beans. According to the National Coffee Association, that temperature is between 195°F and 205°F. Any higher (the boiling point of water is 212°F) and you risk over-extraction and a bitter cup of coffee.

One study found that hot drinks are most frequently served at 160°F to 185°F. Fortunately, they quickly achieve a burn-free, comfortable 136-140ºF, which is what the study concluded was an optimal drinking temperature. When it comes to other drinks, hot apple cider is best served at a simmer (~180°F), and hot chocolate between 160°F and 185°F so as not to disturb the integrity of the ingredients. Regardless of the drink, heat loss will occur between preparation and consumption. The late Queen Elizabeth is said to have required that her tea be made with “absolute boiling water” and steeped for five minutes, which presumably cooled her “cuppa”.

So how do you know if you’re drinking your coffee right? The good news, in this case, is that the best judge is tastebuds.


How is it that you can have a chocolate chip cookie that’s cakey, chewy, OR crunchy? It’s because baking is a science that is dependent upon chemical reactions to produce a specific result. And those reactions occur as the result of precise measurements of the ingredients in the recipe. The way in which the ingredients (such as liquids, leaveners, fats) interact with each other and, more often than not, temperatures (room temp, freeze, bake); techniques (cream, melt, fold); and conditions (humidity, elevation) is what attains the perfect outcome. See what happens when you modify NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Chocolate Chip Cookies dough and find your perfect cookie.


Did you ever wonder why James Bond insisted his martini be "shaken not stirred”? Like baking, crafting cocktails requires the perfect chemistry. Using ingredients such as hibiscus syrup, rosemary, and liquid smoke, and assigning a hip name, modern-day mixologies are making cocktails artsy and hip. But in addition to unique, complimentary flavors, balancing proportions is the science that makes a cocktail drink worthy. Measuring each shot, dash, or splash can influence the resulting libation and subsequent experience. As can the temperature (properly chilled) and presentation (glass). Try a unique creation of your own! (Please drink responsibly.) Even mocktails are all the rage! As for 007, only he knows.

Are your numbers working for you? Learn how MAXIS delivers outsourced accounting solutions that help you to attain the best outcome. Contact Alexis Becker for a complimentary consultation at alexis.becker@freedmaxick.com.

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