Insurance & Litigation
Revenue Cycle Management
Cash Flow & Liquidity
IT Considerations
Physician Comp Arrangements
Regulatory - Cost Reporting
Systems of Interest
The Change Healthcare (CHC) cyber attack has had unprecedented and widespread effects. It’s critical for healthcare providers to act swiftly to reduce the impact on their organization, patients, and operations. Freed Maxick’s team of industry and subject matter experts is here to help you navigate these challenges. Keep an eye on this page for future webinars offering practical insights and recommendations across the entire healthcare continuum.
Insurance & Litigation
Recorded 3/1/24
Even organizations that do not contract directly with Change Healthcare are likely to experience delayed payments, lost revenue, and increased expenses as a result of this cyber attack. This video focuses on what organizations can do now to prepare for insurance claims, breach of contract claims, and potential future litigation.
Revenue Cycle Management
Recorded 3/6/24
The revenue cycle across the continuum has been impacted both directly and indirectly due to the scope of solutions offered by CHC, resulting in delays in cash collections. In this segment, you will learn the impacts that the Change Healthcare Cyber Attack can have on your revenue cycle operations and the mitigating strategies to consider to reduce the impact.